How to Build Your AI Chatbot with NLP in Python?

How To Create A Chatbot with Python & Deep Learning In Less Than An Hour by Jere Xu In such a situation, rule-based chatbots become very impractical as maintaining a rule base would become extremely complex. In addition, the chatbot would severely be limited in...

AI in the Supply Chain: Use Cases for Any Business

Machine Learning in Logistic: Use Cases in Supply Chain Management With technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing tool in refining supply chain operations. With its array of digital technology solutions, USM helps supply...

11 Best WordPress Chatbot Plugins For Websites In 2023

Best WordPress Chatbot Plugins of 2023 If you want to build lasting relationships with your customers, Intercom is the tool for you. Botsonic is ideal for businesses looking to enhance customer support without needing to hire human support staff. Whether you’re a...